Mold Remediation Costs

Hiring someone to get rid of mold does have a price. The presence of mold often has a price as well. The reality is that mold can cause serious health problems. In some cases, it can cause structural damage as well. These factors make mold removal a practicality that there are few options for.

So how much does mold remediation cost? It depends on how big your mold problem is.

Do It Yourself

In some cases, the mold remediation cost may limited to the supplies that you require. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that mold that covers less than ten square feet can be removed yourself. The details of various approaches to removing mold are available on a number of websites.

The mold remediation cost could be as little as the price of a container of appropriate cleaner and the safety equipment. This is sometimes less than one hundred dollars. Ensuring that you follow instructions carefully can save you money though. Disturbing mold is one of the most common causes of mold spreading and that can also increase the mold smell in the home.

In cases where you have to enlist the help of a professional the mold remediation cost will be much more.

Medium-sized Jobs

A medium-sized job may cost from five hundred dollars (US) to four-thousand dollars (US). These jobs include areas similar to a typical crawlspace. It is not only the size of the space that may affect the mold remediation cost though. If there are irregular difficulties presented by the location there may be additional costs.

Large-sized Jobs

Beyond the medium-sized range the mold remediation cost range may be from approximately $2,000 (US) to $6,000 (US). Projects in this cost range may include removal from crawlspaces, the attic, walls and ducts within the home.

Other Costs

In addition to the cost of professional removal, there are sometimes other costs associated. These may include the cost of repairing structure that has been damaged by the mold. This can vary quite a bit depending on the structure and the extent of damage. Likewise some removal processes may require that you move out for some amount of time.

The amount of time you have to stay in alternate housing and the housing that you choose will affect these costs considerably. Together these additional costs may add ten to thirty thousand dollars (US) to the total cost of the removal.

In some cases, insurance may cover all or part of these costs. It may depend on the circumstances related to the mold. For instance if there was a flood you may qualify to file an insurance claim while if you had a leaky pipe you may not. You should consult with your insurance agent or company to verify the coverage that you are entitled to.

Similarly, the cost of mold remediation may be tax deductible in the United States. You will need to verify the tax laws, but in some cases all or part of the costs may qualify. You may want to talk to your accountant or mold removal company about this possibility.

Mold Inspection

Mold inspection is the process of determining if mold exists in your home and, if it does, where it is growing. Here are some of the most common tasks that need to be completed when performing mold inspection in your home.

Locate water leakage

The first process in mold inspection is to locate water problem or water leakage area where molds initially start growing. Mold inspection should be performed at once if visible molds have been seen in your home which is a sign that there are molds growing in other parts of the house not visible to the occupants.

Hire a professional mold inspector

Mold inspection involves hiring a professional mold inspector. A certified mold inspector uses special equipment, such as fiber optics and moisture meter, to determine the areas where mold will most likely exist, including hard-to-reach areas, such as spaces behind walls. Mold inspectors are also trained to find hidden mold without disturbing your home or requiring occupants to leave the house.

Occupants must help identify mold growth

Mold inspection also requires the help of the occupants since they can immediately pinpoint areas where water leakage exists for the inspectors to save time in locating mold growing areas. Areas like pipe running paths, air conditioner leaks, leaking roofs or areas where water accumulates after raining and flooding should also be identified to make mold inspection more effective. Areas high in cellulose such as those under the carpets, drywall portions, insulated areas or ventilation ducts should also be inspected.

Large areas of mold during inspection should not be immediately disturbed if possible since reckless removal of the molds can lead to the spread of spores and mycotoxins all throughout your home.

Removal of the extensive mold colonies should only be started once the proper containment has been established during remediation. Confirmation of the mold is also essential since the mold you might have seen may be just dark soot or dirty surfaces.

Using a mold test kit

A mold test kit can be used to confirm if the suspected mold is really mold. A certain testing can be also performed to identify what species of mold is existing in your homes so as to identify, as well proper extermination of this type of mold.

Chemical Based or Earth Friendly Mold Remover?

Mold is something that we’ve all seen. Perhaps уοu’ve had tο battle іt out οf thе corner οf уοur shower stall with a mold remover οr even work away аt moldy grout. Whatever уοur case, we all know thаt mold іѕ stubborn. An uninvited house guest, іt саn bе difficult tο remove аnd usually mаkеs frequent comebacks. Even іf уοur home has not suffered frοm аny water dаmаgе οr іf уοu live іn a relatively dry climate without mold-inspiring humidity, уοur home саn still fall victim tο mold. Mοѕt homeowners reach fοr thе heavy duty chemical mold remover but now, there are new eco-friendly mold remover solutions in the market. Sο which one is better — chemical-based or eco-friendly mold cleaners?

Before we start, let’s re-examine where mold likes tο grow in particular – areas wіth poor air circulation coupled wіth a source οf moisture. When іt comes tο the average household mold problem, wе’re looking primarily аt the bathroom аnd possibly the kitchen. When іt comes tο thе average household mold cleaner, wе’re basically looking аt chemical аnd non-chemical mold removers.

Can Bleach Kill Mold?

A common myth thаt іѕ currently being debunked асrοѕѕ thе web іѕ thаt bleach kіllѕ mold. Unfortunately, thіѕ іѕ nοt thе case. Mold іѕ rooted іntο a mold spore. Whіlе bleach hаѕ more power οn non-porous surfaces, іt саnnοt reach іntο porous surfaces, such аѕ grout whеrе bath tub mold usually grows, аnd thus, affects οnlу thе top layer οf mold bу bleaching thе color. In essence, іt removes stains, nοt thе mold bесаuѕе іt dοеѕ nοt hаνе аnу effect οn destroying thе roots οf mold spores. Furthermore, thеrе іѕ ѕοmе argument thаt bleach worsens thе problem bесаuѕе іt tends tο mаkе surfaces more porous due tο іtѕ abrasive nature.

Currently, publicly available chemical mold cleaners аrе bleach-based. Fοr example, Lysol hаѕ a mildew аnd mold remover product. Thе copy οn thе product states “whitens аnd removes mold аnd mildew stains whіlе removing soap scum. Cleans аnd disinfects wіth thе power οf Lysol аnd thе whitening οf bleach.” Stains removed, mold remains. Thеn wе hаνе products lіkе Tilex аnd X-14 Mold аnd Mildew Stain Removers: Tilex іѕ more open аbοut іtѕ uѕе οf bleach tο deter mildew whіlе X-14, though іt dοеѕ nοt openly state thаt іt relies οn bleach аѕ іtѕ primary cleaner, іt boasts thаt іt “keeps stains away fοr up tο 2 weeks**” (notice thе asterisks). Sο basically, уοu аrе using thеѕе products аѕ a temporary “fix”.

Chemical-based Mold Killer Risks

Further tο nοt actually kіllіng mold roots, еνеrу time уοu uѕе one οf thеѕе cleaners, уοu рut yourself аnd anyone еlѕе іn уοur home, especially pets, іn danger. Hаνе уοu еνеr read thе precautionary statements οn thе back οf уοur bottle οf store bοught mold remover? “Hazardous tο humans аnd domestic animals. Causes eye irritation. Dο nοt gеt іn eyes οr οn clothing. Prolonged breathing οf vapors mау bе irritating. Uѕе іn οnlу well-ventilated areas. Avoid prolonged contact wіth skin. Harmful іf swallowed. Nοt recommended fοr uѕе bу persons wіth heart conditions, asthma οr οthеr chronic respiratory problems. If vapors bother уοu, leave thе room whіlе working.”

Mold Busters

In cases whеrе mold growth іѕ ѕο dire thаt a professional mold remediation аnd restoration company muѕt bе called іn, уοu wіll observe thе experts working іn personal protective gear such аѕ bio hazard suits wіth thе uѕе οf respirators. Bесаuѕе mold саn bе toxic аnd usually grows іn areas lacking ventilation, protective gear іѕ a muѕt. Unfortunately, thе common bottle οf store bοught mold remover doesn’t come wіth a blow up bio hazard suit attached tο thе bottle.

Natural Mold Cleaners

If уοu take іntο consideration store-bοught chemical cleaners аrе dаngеrοuѕ tο uѕе аnd οnlу provide temporary aesthetic relief frοm unsightly mold аnd mildew, one mіght consider thе application οf a natural mold cleaner. Alѕο known аѕ non-toxic, eco-friendly, earth friendly аnd green cleaners, natural mold аnd mildew removers range frοm homemade concoctions tο newly branded products available fοr consumers іn stores everywhere.

Fοr several years, people hаνе bееn using commonly found ingredients іn thеіr home tο combat mold аnd finally, companies such аѕ Clorox figured out thеrе wаѕ money tο bе mаdе. Key components οf natural cleaners аrе thаt thеу аrе nοt hazardous tο уοur health аnd аrе biodegradable, ѕο thеу аrе nοt hazardous fοr thе environment. Mοѕt types οf nеw eco-friendly cleaners available utilize vegetable-derived enzymes tο brеаk-down, dissolve аnd remove mold аnd mildew. Brands lіkе Naturally It’s Clеаn аnd EcoDiscoveries offer enzyme-based products designed tο effectively kіllѕ аnd remove mold. Alternatively, thеrе аrе lines such аѕ BioZap thаt utilize tea tree oil tο remove mold аnd mildew. Fοr maintenance, thеrе аrе several οthеr green cleaners available οn thе market such аѕ Method, Ecover, Seventh Generation аnd Green Works (bу Clorox). Mοѕt national retailers now offer earth friendly products, though ѕοmе, such аѕ Naturally It’s Clеаn, mау οnlу bе found іn specialty stores. In addition, thеrе аrе several online stores thаt specialize іn green products.

In general, common household mold аnd mildew cleaners аrе nοt a permanent fix tο уοur mold problem. When іt comes tο mold, prevention іѕ key. If уοu suspect thаt уοu mіght hаνе a large area οf mold οr generally concerned аbοut mold growth іn уοur home, уοu ѕhοuld contact a mold removal аnd remediation specialist. Thіѕ specialist саn conduct investigations аnd testing tο determine what іѕ causing mold іn the first рlасе. Remediation specialists саn аlѕο remove mold аnd completely restore уοur home, аѕ well аѕ guide уοu tο take actions whісh wіll hеlр prevent future mold growth. Nonetheless, thеrе аrе options available fοr consumers seeking temporary mold relief аnd thankfully, wе now hаνе several eco аnd family-friendly options аѕ well.

Basement Mold Removal

If you are unfortunate to get water damage in your basement this year, be sure to properly implement a basement mold removal strategy.

 Causes of Basement Mold

Two of the leading causes of mold in basement and other interior locations is dampness and poor ventilation.

In most interior locations biological agents are directly the causation factor to dampness. Additionally inadequate ventilation within the indoor location mold or other biological agents are found. Usually excess moisture is almost on all indoor materials. It potentially leads to growth of various biological microbes such as mold and bacteria which will then release spores, cells, fragments and penetrate any organic compounds into indoor air. It is the dampness that initiates the chemical or biological breakdown of materials, which also pollute the indoor air. It’s when the dampness has been to be strong which is an indicator of risk of these airborne biological agents from growing. They can be the cause of asthma and other potentially harmful respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing. Health risks associated with the presence of biological contaminants of indoor air could be addressed by considering dampness as the risk indicator of this potentially harmful biological outbreak from occurring.

Basement mold removal is the only clear way to help prevent further contamination and potential health risks and side effect. There are many global trends that contribute to the conditions noted here with increased exposure to dampness and mold:

  • Green initiatives which are varying energy conservation measures that may not be properly implemented
  • The habitation of more indoor areas or urbanization and migration, along with the building type and density, urban degradation, housing availability and social inequity which can cause overcrowding
  • Potential climate change which has increasing frequency of extreme weather conditions, shifting of climate zones

How to Remove Basement Mold

The following will provide a summary of what has to be done in order to properly and effective create a safe basement environment and what is entailed for the basement mold removal, mold remediation, mold mitigation, and mold abatement:    The steps are CONTAIN, KILL, REMOVE, and PROTECT your home.

  1. CONTAIN – you want to ensure you contain the mold to the basement. Preventing cross room contamination is very important to help keep mold from spreading into uncontaminated areas;
  2. KILL – it is important that you quickly and effectively kill the mold.
  3. REMOVE – once the mold has been killed you will want to remove all dead mold.
  4. PROTECT – while you clean insure that you protect the cleaned out basement and adjacent areas against future mold infestations.

If you plan to do your own basement mold removal and remediation, or you are planning on securing the services of a Certified Mold Contractor or Remediation expert, following these simple steps to completely remove all mold, contaminants, and infestation from your home, condominium, rental apartments, office, warehouse, retail store or other real estate building is very  important. Once you have completed all the steps in the mold removal process it is suggested that you ensure your home is completely mold free by following up with professional testing.

Mold Cleanup

You can use your basic household cleaning agents for mold clean up. But before starting with mold clean up, first you have to inspect your house for those stinky and unhealthy molds. Check common places where there is a big possibility for mold growth. Common areas may include the bathroom, kitchen, basement and the laundry room. You can easily spot molds on tiles, counter tops and windowsills. Molds can cause serious material damages as well serious health problems, including allergies and lung-related diseases.

Safety First

Before you begin your mold cleanup, you have to prepare the items you will need. For safety purposes, it is recommended that you use gloves, goggles and even respirators during the mold cleanup. This safety gears will prevent the harmful effects of detergents in your body. Respirators and mask is used to prevent minimize the entry of airborne allergens. For the actual mold clean-up process, you will need stuffs like cleaning brushes, toothbrushes, sponges and the like. Once prepared, you’re ready to begin.

Mold Removers

A lot of people prefer bleach for mold cleanup. It is quite inexpensive and it is easily available on markets worldwide. Bleach can kill molds effectively on non-porous materials like tiles and bathtubs. For non-porous materials like wood and carpets, bleach is not recommended.

Bleach Solution

To prepare bleach for mold cleanup, mix one cup of bleach for every gallon of water. This bleach-water solution is enough to kill those pesky molds. The bleach-water solution is harmful and irritating, so better wear gloves and goggles while using the solution. You can put the solution on a bucket or pour it on spray bottles. You can wipe or spray at the affected area and let it set for a few minutes. Then rinse the area with a damp towel then wipe it dry.


Aside from bleach, vinegar can be used for mold clean up. You can easily buy cheap white distilled vinegar from your local market. Vinegar probably is the safest to use for it is non-toxic. Before using vinegar, you better scrub the moldy surface with soap and water. Then pour vinegar in a spray bottle and spray over the moldy surface. Let the area dry and repeat if necessary. Keeping a spray bottle of vinegar in the bathroom is a great idea. You can give a quick spray over the tiles, bathtub and walls anytime. Vinegar combined with baking soda is good for mold clean up too. The two when combined will produce a paste like mixture. This paste can be applied over moldy areas using a sponge or a toothbrush.

Mold Cleaning Products

There are also mold cleaning products available in the market and online. These mold cleaning products are mostly on easy to use spray bottles and they are used for mold cleaning purposes only. For general mold clean up, using a dehumidifier is probably the best way to dry your home. By drying your home, you will filter water out from air. Getting rid of those excess water and moisture will ultimately help in getting rid of those pesky molds. A dehumidifier unit is the best device to keep your home dry and prevent the re-occurrence of molds.

Mold Remediation Tips

Mold problem is a growing concern among renters, homeowners, and building owners, too. This makes effective mold remediation absolutely necessary. Mold control professionals can help in how to kill black mold and in getting rid of mold problems. However, you can always find mold remediation tips that you can do yourself. When mold remediation is done at the onset of mold growth, a healthy living environment is assured among family members and workers.

Mold in Houses

The places in the house where molds are likely to grow are the bathroom, kitchen sink, basement and attic.

If you are a renter with kids and there is a history of asthma or pulmonary diseases in your family, before you decide on an apartment or house to live in, check the entire house for any sign of molds. The appearance of a mold or the musty smell of it is a telltale sign that mold inhabits the house. You can talk with the landlord, owner or the agent on what to be done about it. Or better yet, consider looking for another house!

If you are the homeowner, always check the house for any greenish, brownish or blackish sight appearing mostly in the bathroom, kitchen and basement. Indoor molds can propagate in areas where there is moisture, warm temperature and nutrient like organic materials.  If there are leaking pipes and sinks, repair immediately to discourage growth of mold spores. Outdoor mold growth is also possible when the place is always moist such as the backyard garden. So when watering plants make sure that no porous materials like wood is sprinkled with too much water, or no standing water will serve as breeding grounds for molds.

Mold in Buildings

If you are a building owner, regular maintenance of all areas in the building must be done so that molds will be controlled. When building has been flooded, immediate 24-hour cleanup and removal of water damaged materials should be carried out to control mold growth.

If mold infestation is widespread then seek the service of professional mold removal companies. Many mold removal companies are properly trained in mold remediation. Before you decide to employ their service, ask if they conduct their own mold inspection, and how much is the cost estimate and other fees. You can also check their licenses and get feedback about the efficiency of their service from others or from online comments.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recommended that if mold cleanup is required for an area of more than 10 square feet, then you must refer to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guide entitled “Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings”. There are cases when the entire building needs to be repaired or renovated when the mold problem is extensive, and this can be costly on the part of the building owner.

Best Mold Control Technique

Prevention and control of mold is the cheapest and most practical way of mold remediation. To get rid of mold and mildew, keep your house and offices clean, dry and well-ventilated.

  • Clean regularly and remove unnecessary objects in the homes and offices. Materials that are porous such as papers and fabrics, and those that accumulate dust might cause mold problem in the future. If these materials are damaged by water, the mold spores can inhabit them in less than 48 hours. Materials that have been initially infested by molds should be disposed immediately.
  • Dry the areas that are usually damp by wiping the areas with dry clothes and preferably using vinegar or bleaching solution to prevent molds from growing. Do not use paper boxes when storing old items in the basement, attic or storage rooms; use thick plastic storage boxes instead so that it will be easier to dry them when water leaks into these places.
  • Proper ventilation is important to reduce the humidity level. Using window fans or ceiling fans can also suck out warm air in the bathroom, basements, attics and stockrooms. Places that are too dark are also best place for molds to grow. Check dark areas regularly for mold infestation before the problem worsen, or refrain from stocking objects in dark rooms. Put them in places where everyone can see and clean them easily.

How to Clean Mold

It is important that you regularly inspect your house for signs of mold buildup. As people get aware of the harmful effects of mold to our homes, mold and mildew products have been created and manufactured.

Mold Cleaning Products

There are several mold cleaning products in the market today. But if the supermarket near you doesn’t have one, you can always browse the web for mold cleaning products. The latest trend today is using spray mold cleaners especially for the bathroom. You can also find products like mold stain removers and mold odor removers. Through time, varieties of mold and mildew products have been created to help you to solve your problem on how to clean mold indoors.

Homemade Solution

Aside from these instant mold cleaning products, you can also use other cleaning agents that can be found in your home. How to clean mold inside the house will be easy if cleaning is done regularly. Using a bleach – water solution is a popular choice. It is recommended that you put one cup of bleach for every gallon of water. Bleach is good for killing indoor molds. You can apply the solution on non-porous materials like tiles, glass, bathtub and counter tops. You can use a bucket and a sponge but make sure you wear gloves. You can also use spray bottles especially for hard to reach areas.

Aside from these instant mold cleaning products, you can also use other cleaning agents that can be found in your home.

It is important that you thoroughly clean areas with visible mold and those without as well. Aside from bleach – water solution, you can also use borax – water solution with the same ratio of one cup borax for every gallon of water. If using borax, you must remember that this is toxic and leftover borax should be properly stored away from children.

Another tip on how to clean mold is using vinegar. Vinegar is a mild acid but non-toxic so it’s safe to use. White distilled vinegar is widely available in all supermarket and it doesn’t cost that much. Pour the vinegar in a spray bottle then spray it on a moldy surface. Leave it for an hour then wipe it clean and let it thoroughly dry.

You can also combine vinegar with baking soda to make a paste. This paste is good for cleaning mold especially in your bathroom caulk and window panes. Apply the mixture on the sponge and scrub it to remove the mold. After scrubbing spray bleach – water solution to effectively kill the molds. Leave it for a few minutes then wipe it dry.


When scrubbing, you can use a regular toothbrush, cleaning brushes and sponges. Make sure you make cleaning and scrubbing a habit to prevent any build-up of molds in your house. Leaving it thoroughly dry and clean every time.


In addition to these products, another way to solve the problem on how to clean mold is by having a dehumidifier unit at home. Humid air has a high density of water. Mold of all types love humid and one best solution to the problem “how to clean mold indoors?” is by using a dehumidifier to filter water out of air.

Household Mold Removal

Household mold is dangerous to your health and it is wise for households to properly remove the mold. This article will provide you with some Household mold removal tips, tricks, and procedures so it can save the occupants from unwanted and nasty side effects that could be debilitating.

The following list is a proven and effective household mold removal and remediation process and procedure list that will provide you with some excellent techniques for removing and remediating household mold from wood and other cellulose-based building materials.

Steps and techniques to learning about household mold removal

  1. If you are like most do it yourselfers of the world the first step is to study, read, and learn all there is about household mold removal. You want to learn about toxic black mold and household mold removal inspection, testing,control and treatment. Do this by buying a book at the book store or reviewing information like this article online. If you get the service Certified Mold Remediator (CMR) you will still need to know this important information so you are informed.
  2. Preventing mold – locate the water source and fix the issue. If your home seems to have issues with persistent flooding, plumbing leaks, leaky roofing or siding, blocked air-conditioning condensation drain lines, and high indoor humidity, there are definitely dozens of water-intrusion prevention and remediation suggestions you could follow like hiring a plumber or roofer. Unblocking clogged drains and caulking very nicely.
  3. DIY test for mold procedures – you can purchase a DIY mold test kits at large home improvement and hardware stores or online. You can also have an inexpensive mold inspection performed by a Certified Mold Inspector. Either way you will know and understand the level of mold contamination you may be dealing with.
  4. Locate all mold and toxic mold infestations that are both hidden and visible. If you have had any type of water damage and suspect you may have a hidden mold problem especially if the wall or building smells moldy, the mold may be hidden. Find it and kill it.
  5. If you do find mold in a building moving out is the best way but only with the clothes on their backs. After all items have been effectively mold decontaminated they can then get them.
  6. Important not to cover up the mold by painting it over because mold loves to eat paint.
  7. Set up containment walls of plastic in mold-afflicted areas to contain the moldy work area and keep the toxic mold spores from being released into the air.
  8. Once the mold containment walls are installed dry the work area.
  9. In the mold containment area, a large fan can be used in the window to expel airborne mold pores to exhaust the air outside.
  10. When you are working inside the mold containment area be sure to always wear effective protective gear such as protective bio-hazard suit, mask, gloves, and a full face breathing respirator mask (such as 3M brand) using an organic vapor cartridge filtration, available from local safety, hardware, and home improvement stores.
  11. Time to kill the household mold from the surface by one or two wet sprayings or fogging of an effective mold killer.
  12. After you have successfully kilt the mold and there are no signs of visible surface mold it’s time to remove and to clean off as much surface mold growth, mold stains, and mold odors as possible.
  13. Eliminate the growth of mold from  the wood surfaces that mold has infested.
  14. Close in the mold-remediated area with mold-free, new building materials that been have carefully inspected to be mold-growth-free.

Which Mold Remover to Use

If you need a mold removal product, you can choose whether to use instant mold removal products or create your own mold remover. The important thing is you keep your house mold-free as much as possible. Homeowners must beware of the impact mold can bring. It could pose serious material damages to your home and bring serious health problems to your family.

Usually, mold removal products are sold in easy to use spray bottles. Some may be in big plastic bottles which are ready to use. There are also mold odor removers which you can use to sanitize your home. The musty odor these molds give can be irritating. These cleaning agents are specifically prepared for removing molds.


Aside from these commercially prepared mold killer, you can also use some basic household cleaning products. Bleach, as we know it is good for removing stains. But bleach can be used as a disinfectant too. Bleach is so strong and an effective mold killer.

Ideally, one cup of bleach per one gallon of water is used for disinfecting non porous materials like tiles and glasses. This solution can be used in the bathroom and kitchen. Borax can be used as a mold remover, too. Like bleach, one cup of borax per one gallon of water is recommended.


Aside for cooking, vinegar is also a good mold remover. Being a mild acid, vinegar can be used as an alternative disinfectant. By using a spray bottle, spray vinegar over moldy surfaces and leave for a while. Do this regularly to promote a mold-free environment. Vinegar and baking soda combined is a powerful mold remover. As these two are mixed in a bowl, they will become paste-like in appearance. You can apply this paste over moldy surfaces and scrub it using a brush or a sponge. This can loosen up mold build-ups so you can use the bleach-water solution after.

Other Cleaning Products

Aside from these cleaning products, you can make use of some appliance cleaners such as air cleaners, dehumidifiers and vacuum cleaners. Air cleaners may help to reduce the number of mold spores in the air. But you cannot rely on air cleaners and air filters alone, regular cleaning must also be done. Dehumidifier units can be used to reduce significantly the number of molds in your home.

HEPA vacuum cleaners can be used as mold remover. Using high efficiency particulate air vacuum cleaners regularly can prevent cases of having mold allergy. Before cleaning, moldy spots should be dampen to minimize the release of airborne spores. When cleaning and removing spores, it is advisable that you wear protective gears like a dusk filter mask or a respirator, goggles and gloves.

When cleaning, it’s important that you clean everything, including those without mold spots as there might be some mold spores on them. These mold spores can grow and become actual molds later. To prevent the occurrence of molds, you must always remember to keep things dry.